Yakult Factory Tours – Now in Mandarin!

Interested in Mandarin-speaking Tours of Yakult?

Yakult Australia is happy to announce that we are now offering a limited number of Mandarin-guided factory tours in June. We want to provide Mandarin-speaking communities with the opportunity to come and explore the story of how Yakult is made.

We are located at 10 Monterey Road, Dandenong South, VIC. The hi-tech facility incorporates food processing equipment designed specifically for manufacturing Yakult, including Yakult’s distinctively shaped bottles, filling and packaging lines, culture, and quality control rooms.

Visitors will not only get to learn about probiotics and the benefits of drinking Yakult but will also get to watch the entire production process safely through our large viewing window. Everyone who visits will get to taste deliciously refreshing Yakult.

This is a unique opportunity not to be missed. Please invite your friends and family to come along. Tours run for approximately 1 hour. Limited spaces available, bookings are essential and subject to availability. More information here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/yakult-australia-factory-tours-mandarin–tickets-153565521609


我们很高兴地宣布,Yakult Australia六月将会有配备中文讲解的工厂参观活动。我们欢迎讲中文的朋友们前来参观和探索养乐多的生产和制造。

养乐多工厂位于10 Monterey Road, Dandenong South, VIC. 我们拥有养乐多专属的高科技食品生产线,包括制造养乐多形状独特的瓶子、罐装和包装养乐多的设备、培养益生菌和监控产品品质的环节。



机不可失,快快邀请您的家人和朋友一起来吧!参观大约持续一个小时,名额有限。请务必提前预约,确保时间合适。预约信息请点击此处: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/yakult-australia-factory-tours-mandarin–tickets-153565521609