Yakult Group Human Rights Policy

As a global business, the Yakult Group operates under the corporate philosophy:
We contribute to the health and happiness of people around the world through pursuit of excellence in life sciences in general and our research and experience in microorganism in particular.
To fully realise this philosophy, it is vital that we create a society where human rights are protected and respected throughout the world.
We believe in order for people to be healthy, everything around them must also be healthy. This includes building a sound society.
The United Nation defines human rights as the rights inherent to all human beings that every person is born with regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status.
In-line with the United Nations’ “Guiding principles on Business and Human Rights” and international human rights principles in business activities, the Yakult Group Human Rights policy includes:
- Developing and implementing human rights due diligence to identify and alleviate the potential negative impacts on human rights.
- To remedy any negative impacts caused on human rights by the group.
- To disclose the progress and outcomes of all human rights-related initiatives.
- To converse with stakeholders to protect human rights if adversely affected by group activities.
- To provide education to executives and employees.
- To ensure responsible business practices throughout our enterprise.
Using this framework, we will continue to develop, promote and implement mechanisms for human rights. For more information click here.